About me
I am a final year doctoral candidate completing a PhD in Robotics and Autonomous Systems at Edinburgh University (Primary) and Heriot-Watt University as part of the
Edinburgh Centre for Robotics.
I am a member of the Robust Autonomy and Decisions (
RAD) group in the Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour (
IPAB) within the University of Edinburgh,
School of Informatics.
My work, explores the issue of devising useful hierarchical strategies for domains such as human-robot co-work. This has me looking into abstractions, especially over motion and plans, as well as their relationship to task semantics as conceptualized by human users through the modalities of vision and natural language. The goal is to create high level abstractions and representations that can by physically ground to meaningful interactions involving complex activities such as cooking, navigation or (dis)assembly tasks in the real-world.
Before pursuing a PhD, I obtained an MSc. Robotics and Autonomous Systems in 2015 from the University of Edinburgh for work carried out in topological clustering of robot motion using alpha shapes. Prior to that, I was in games development with a focus towards high performance/parallel computing, operations research and evolutionary computing. I obtained my BSc with 1st Class Hons. under the supervision of
Prof. Jon Kerridge (primary),
Prof. Emma Hart (secondary) and
Dr Kevin Chalmers (DoS), for my thesis work on
"A Flexible Framework for Analysing Genetic Algorithms In Go" in 2014. I was also awarded the Craneware Prize for Technical Excellence.
I took part in the 2016-17
Amazon Alexa AI Prize competition as part of
Team Edina. My work primarily focused on constraining generative models for open-ended natural language dialogue.
Where to find me